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5 Kinds of Great Toothpastes

A+ A- Toothbrush with toothpaste on it with a nice smile in the background

Are you having difficulty choosing a toothpaste?

We understand your dilemma. There are just so many options that it can be daunting to make up your mind.

Here’s what we suggest: Choose one with ingredients that will help with your oral hygiene problems.

Does the product have the ADA seal of approval? Then you are picking right. Brands earn this badge by submitting scientific evidence. These products meet certain safety standards.

What’s so great about them? They contain the right amount of fluoride. Plus, they have no flavor agents that might cause tooth decay.

However, this doesn’t mean that toothpaste that does not have an ADA seal is useless. These brands just didn’t submit their products for an ADA review.

Following are five different types of toothpaste to choose from based on the oral problem you are having:

Sensitivity Toothpaste

Do you know that feeling you experience when you eat something cold or hot? Usually, your teeth take the brunt of it. This is where sensitive toothpaste comes in to save the day. It fills the tiny holes in the enamel that allow cold or hot to hit the nerves.

Whitening Toothpaste

Wine, tea, and coffee stain teeth. As we age, our enamel erodes. This gives teeth a yellow shade. The microscopic scrubbers in whitening toothpaste remove surface stains. They brighten your smile by polishing the teeth. If your stains are deep, consider cosmetic dentistry in Wichita.                                                                          

Tartar Control Toothpaste

If you have tartar buildup on your teeth, try tartar control toothpaste. According to a dentist in Wichita, KS, these are the plus points it offers:

  • Reduction of gingivitis risk
  • Enhanced gum protection
  • Effective plaque removal
  • Better plaque management
  • Enhanced cleaning power as a polishing agent

Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride has the ability to turn back the clock on tooth decay! Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Here’s why fluoride toothpaste is recommended:

  • It strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay
  • It prevents cavities
  • It keeps the gums healthy

Toothpaste for Children

Fluoride in children’s toothpaste is quite low. It comes in various flavors to encourage brushing. These toothpastes are safe even if ingested.

And there you go — five kinds of toothpaste that address various oral health problems. To recap, these include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Stains
  • Cavities
  • Sensitivity
  • Tartar

Remember — brushing is not the only solution to keeping your teeth healthy! Flossing, a balanced diet, and using mouthwash all add to it.

Searching for “cosmetic dentistry near me?” Visit the Auburn Family Dental website to learn about different treatment options. To schedule an appointment, call (316) 201-6323.

Posted on Jun 24, 2024
Image Credit:

File ID 16991574 | © Kurhan |



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