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What Is a Composite Filling?

A+ A- Teeth and dental instruments

A chipped or cracked tooth can affect your confidence and oral health. Thankfully, composite fillings from a professional dentist in Wichita, KS, offer a natural-looking and durable solution to restore your smile.

Composite fillings blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, making them virtually undetectable.

Advantages of Composite Fillings

Composite fillings serve as a viable means of resolving dental complications. Moreover, they also provide notable cosmetic benefits.

Unlike older metal fillings, the composite color mimics your natural tooth. The dental procedure contributes to a flawless smile. In addition to mimicking your tooth color, composite fillings also adhere to your tooth structure and have great durability and function for years.

What Happens When I Have a Composite Filling?

The process of getting a composite filling is relatively straightforward. To ensure your comfort, your dentist will first numb the area around the tooth affected by decay.

Before the filling, the dentist will take the time to remove the decay and prepare the tooth's surface for the filling. The composite will then be applied in layers and molded to fit the tooth's anatomy. A light will be used to set the composite in layers.

Finally, the composite will be polished for a smooth and organic finish. You can expect to have a pleasant experience during the appointment, and the discomfort will be handled promptly. 

Aftercare and Maintenance

Maintenance of your fillings is vital for longevity. To prolong your fillings, brush and floss daily, avoid chewing hard objects, and visit your dentist for regular check-ups are recommended.

Composite fillings are durable. But, certain personal habits may lead to issues like staining or chipping. If the appearance of your filling changes in any way, contact your dentist for assessment and repair

Schedule an Appointment with Auburn Family Dental

Contact Auburn Family Dental today to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward optimal dental health. We are committed to providing top-notch dental at our dental office in Wichita.

Don't hesitate to reach out to our dentist in Wichita If you think you might need a composite filling or any other dental service. Our experienced team is here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Posted on Oct 14, 2024
Image Credit:

File ID 19333022 | © Alexandr Mitiuc |



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