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The Difference Between Plaque & Tartar

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We’ve noticed in our office that many of our patients use the terms ‘plaque’ and ‘tartar’ interchangeably when asking about the bacteria or buildup on their teeth. Our office puts a strong emphasis on patient education and we want to help you learn the difference between these two harmful substances so that you can better care for your oral health.

What Is Plaque

Plaque is a clear and sticky substance that is always forming on your teeth, through the day and the night. Your saliva combines with the sugar and food particles to form plaque and this is the residue that makes your teeth feel sticky and dirty between brushing.

Plaque can begin to form just a few short hours after brushing and will build up until you brush again. This is why it’s so important to be brushing at least twice a day, maybe even more. It’s essential to interrupt this buildup as often as possible to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.

What Is Tartar

If you don’t remove the plaque buildup thoroughly and regularly, it will harden into a substance known as tartar (sometimes called calculus). Tartar is plaque that hasn’t been removed in time and cannot be removed without professional help. Your toothbrush will not be enough to remove tartar buildup. As it progresses, tartar becomes harder and harder to remove.

If not treated quickly, tartar can increase your chances of tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can be painful and expensive to treat.

Everyone has plaque buildup on his or her teeth. The key to keeping your mouth healthy is following a strict oral hygiene routine at home. Not only do you need to be brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily, but it’s important to make you’re brushing for at least two minutes at a time. This way, the plaque is being removed on a regular basis and completely thoroughly.

For any questions on how to maintain a healthy smile, or to make an appointment for a dental cleaning and checkup, please contact Auburn Family Dental today! We’re located in Wichita, KS!

Posted on May 16, 2016
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