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Information About Root Canal Therapy

A+ A- Root Canal Procedure Diagram


Dental cavities are the most common dental problem we encounter. If you’ve managed to go through most of your life without a dental cavity, you either have great oral hygiene habits or great genes! But if you’re in the majority of people who have had cavities at one time or another, you know they can be painful, irritating, and uncomfortable.

Why A Root Canal Is Needed

For a simple cavity, you’ll only need to receive a filling. But if a simple cavity goes untreated for too long, it will begin to burrow further and further into the affected tooth, eventually reaching the pulp. The pulp of the tooth is where the nerves and blood vessels for the tooth are stored. Once the cavity reaches this area, you may experience pain and sensitivity in the tooth. This will only worsen until the problem is addressed.

The best way to treat this problem is through root canal therapy. During the procedure, the infection will be cleaned out, preventing the infection from spreading and causing further damage.

Signs You May Need A Root Canal


Below are a few common signs that you may benefit from root canal therapy:

  • Chronic and persistent pain in the tooth
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • A strange, foul taste in the mouth that persists
  • Discoloration of the affected tooth
  • Pain or swelling in the gums surrounding the affected tooth

If you are experiencing the above symptoms and believe that you may benefit from root canal therapy, please contact Auburn Family Dental today. Our cosmetic dental office is located in Wichita, KS.

Posted on Mar 28, 2017
Image Credit:
File ID 27506134 | © Blueringmedia |



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