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The 5 Most Common Brushing Mistakes

A+ A- A woman brushing her teeth

Since we have all been (hopefully!) brushing our teeth for decades, we may think it’s simple by now. However, there are still a few mistakes that can be made. Here at Auburn Family Dental, we want to make our patients aware of these common mistakes so that you can avoid making them!

5 Common Brushing Mistakes

Below are 5 of the most common mistakes people make when brushing their teeth:

  1. Brushing too hard – Brushing too vigorously can damage the tooth enamel, causing it to break down and increasing sensitivity and the risk of dental cavities. Be gentle when brushing and use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  2. Sharing a toothbrush – Sharing a toothbrush will allow the transfer of bacteria from one mouth to another, increasing the chances of catching an illness or even sharing dental cavities. Make sure each member of your family has his or her own toothbrush.
  3. Improperly storing your toothbrush – The best place to store your toothbrush is in an upright position in a closed cabinet. You can also take advantage of toothbrush covers with antibacterial coating to keep the toothbrushes sterile.
  4. Not brushing for long enough – Most people aren’t brushing their teeth for long enough. Each surface of each tooth needs to be brushed, which should take about two minutes. We recommend setting a timer or humming a song that lasts for two minutes while you brush your teeth.
  5. Not regularly replacing your toothbrush – Lastly, toothbrushes should be replaced every 3-4 months or once the bristles begin to fray. It’s also a smart idea to replace a toothbrush after recovering from illnesses like colds or the flu.

In order to make sure your teeth are healthy and beautiful, you should be properly brushing your teeth at least twice a day. You should also be flossing at least once a day and visiting our office every 6 months for a dental cleaning and a checkup.

To make your appointment, please contact Auburn Family Dental here in Wichita, KS!

Posted on Jun 8, 2020
Image Credit:
File ID 43559327 | © Mimagephotography |



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