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What To Know If You’re Considering An Oral Piercing

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It’s important to be well informed about any risks before receiving any type of body modification, and oral piercings are no exception. If you’re considering getting an oral piercing, there are a few things that we here at Auburn Family Dental would like you to know beforehand.

Health Risks Of An Oral Piercing:

Below are a few of the health risks associated with receiving an oral piercing:

  • Infection
  • Eventual tooth loss
  • Chipped teeth
  • Loss of taste
  • Gum damage

Of all of the above risks, infection is the most common. There are millions of bacteria residing in your mouth, making an infection a pretty high risk of your oral piercing. Anytime you receive a piercing, it’s hard to resist touching it or messing with it, and this is especially true of foreign objects around the mouth. This is just another way that bacteria can be introduced into the wound. Lastly, whenever you eat you risk food debris building up around the piercing, adding a third source of bacteria.

Many people develop a habit of chewing or biting on their piercings, which will lead to chipped or broken teeth. Fillings can be used to fix small cracks in the teeth, but if a crack goes all the way to the root of your tooth, you risk needing to have a root canal or a tooth extraction. Oral piercings have also been known to make it difficult to chew and speak normally for quite some time.

If you do decide to get an oral piercing, Dr. Behnaz Raisdana recommends thoroughly cleaning your piercing every day, especially after eating. In addition, be sure to clean your ring or hardware every day at the same time that you brush your teeth.

For more tips on how to keep your piercing clean, or to make a dental appointment at our office, please contact Auburn Family Dental today! We’re located in Wichita, KS!

Posted on Jul 25, 2016
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