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Should I Brush With Baking Soda?

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Many of our patients have asked about used baking soda to brush their teeth. There are some definite advantages and disadvantages to using baking soda and we want to make sure our patients are well informed regarding the pros and cons of this practice.

Why Use Baking Soda To Brush Teeth

There are a few reasons why baking soda has been used to brush teeth. First and foremost, it is used as a teeth whitener. Brushing with baking soda will polish the teeth and make them appear whiter and brighter. A few other reasons include the low price of baking soda and the elimination of bad breath that it can provide.

The main benefit of brushing with baking soda is its plaque removing properties. Plaque deposits can cause tooth decay, and baking soda is able to remove these deposits very well. The removal of plaque is incredibly beneficial to your overall dental health.

Disadvantages Of Using Baking Soda To Brush Teeth

Baking soda removes plaque and has natural teeth whitening properties. However, there are a few negative effects of using it too often. These effects include:

  • Baking soda is abrasive – If used repeatedly, baking soda can wear down and weaken tooth enamel. This can cause your teeth to become overly sensitive and more vulnerable to plaque and decay.
  • Baking soda will not remove bacteria in the mouth, which means it won’t fight cavities. You’ll need to brush with regular toothpaste before or after brushing with baking soda.
  • Those with braces or permanent retainers should avoid brushing with baking soda. This can damage the hardware or cause it to loosen and fall out.

If you do decide to brush with baking soda, please don’t use it more than twice or three times a week. Anything more can cause damage.

To find out more about how best to care for your dental health, or to schedule an appointment, please call Auburn Family Dental! Our office is located in beautiful Wichita, Kansas!

Posted on Jul 15, 2016
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