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Debunking Dental Myths

A+ A- Woman brushing

Many of us have attempted to put off our regular dental cleanings and exams by buying into tips we find on the Internet or hear from friends. Unfortunately, not all of these tips are rooted in fact, which means you may actually be causing more damage to your teeth.

Common Dental Misconceptions

Below is a list of a few common dental misconceptions we’ve heard in our office. We feel that, by debunking these myths, we can help our patients take the best possible care of their pearly whites:

  • “Flossing isn’t as important as brushing” Many people skip flossing under the mistaken idea that it isn’t as important as brushing. However, flossing is the only way to reach around 33% of your teeth’s surfaces that your brush can’t get to. The most common place to get a dental cavity or tooth decay is between the teeth, and is the result of neglecting to floss.
  • “The whiter the smile, the healthier the teeth” Natural tooth color will vary for each person. Just because someone has perfectly white teeth doesn’t mean their teeth are healthy. And just because someone may have naturally darker teeth doesn’t mean they don’t practice excellent dental hygiene.
  • “Don’t brush sensitive gums” If you’re not brushing your gum, this can eventually lead to gingivitis or gum disease. If you have sensitive gums, you should still be brushing them, but we do have a few tips. For example, use a soft-bristled brush to brush the gums very gently and at an angle. This will decrease gum irritation.
  • “More sugar = more cavities” At the end of the day, no matter your diet, it all comes down to your dental hygiene routine. A person who consumes a diet high in sugar, but brushes or rinses after every meal can have healthier teeth than someone with a low sugar diet and subpar oral hygiene. Regardless of your diet, you should be brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist every six months.

To make an appointment with Dr. Behnaz Raisdana, please call Auburn Family Dental today. Our family dental office is located in Wichita, KS.

Posted on Dec 21, 2016
Image Credit:
File ID 34084090 | © Hootie2710 |



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